The Care and Keeping of Creative Souls taught by Jen Lee:
Jen’s class was my first Squam experience and WOW! I thought the class was going to be something different than I experienced and I am so THANKFUL it was not! Life is so much more interesting when you get to experience it in a new way and that’s exactly what Jen gave us the opportunity to do. Jen took us on a journey, one that we thought in the beginning was hers, only to find out in the end was truly our own and what a BLESSING I found it that to be.
Jen thanks so much for sharing yourself in such a RAW way that enabled me to get to a place in myself that I needed to explore.
My time with you was UNFORGETTABLE!
About Jen Lee:
Jen Lee is a writer and spoken word artist in Brooklyn, NY. She is the author of Take Me with You: A Journal for the Journey, Fortunes, and Solstice: Stories of Light in the Dark.
She and her husband, Justin, launched their family on an urban adventure when they followed their hearts to New York City from Denver's suburbs in 2007 with their two little girls.
Jen knows about putting it all on the line to follow a dream, and about writing things that make you unpopular. She lives and breathes the challenge of balancing creative work with motherhood. She is engaged in an inquiry about how literacy is being transformed in the digital age and loves to talk about new forms, old forms, and where stories live. Her gentleness and wisdom are transformative. You can trust her to embrace you, wherever you're at in your journey.
Check out Jen’s blog at the address below:
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