Friday, April 9, 2010

About My Blog

The purpose for my blog is to create a GIRLY blogspot just for women. A gathering place where women of all ages and stages can connect, exchange and share their experiences in the areas of Faith, Family, Friends, Favorite Finds, Food, Feeling Healthy, Fashion, Fun and more…

And, that’s all about what it means to YOU and ME.

It is my HOPE that it will INSPIRE and SPEAK to your HEART and SOUL in many ways. Our blog will be updated weekly to provide you with insightful, inspirational and helpful information from me and other women from all walks of life. Hopefully, it will encourage you to pursue a lifestyle of healthy living. Promote you in your spiritual and personal growth walk and give you the opportunity to get involved in community interests whatever that may be for you that will bring us together to encourage one other and others.

We will blog information on upcoming EVENTS, updates on SMALL GROUP happenings; what they are up to and what they are looking forward to in the future.

We will share personal real life stories of women just like you about what they are doing for themselves, their families, their friends, their church and their community that is making a difference.

If you know a woman like I have just described or about an event or small group happening that you would like to share with us, please send me an email and I will post it for others to read about. Email me at or leave it in the comment section.

It is my hope and prayer that you will look forward to getting to know these WOMEN. I INVITE you to come back and visit Cinderella Chats on a regular basis. Pour your favorite beverage, hot or cold and have a seat in a comfy chair and ENJOY getting to know us. I believe YOU will be INSPIRED IN SO MANY WAYS!

About Me

Read on to learn more about me. Click here to read about the purpose of my blog.

I am a CREATIVE SOUL that LOVES the ARTS! Music – Listening to it, singing along with it, and dancing to it. Working with my hands - writing, sketching girly art, and photography - I’m a “newbie” at it. Painting – I hope one day to give canvas a shot of color, not just my interior walls. I love decorating! I have a fetish for books, mostly self-help, how to/DIY and continual education material. Bottom line, I am a DORK! I LOVE learning! I’m a romantic at heart and a BIG DREAMER… I LOVE, LOVE coming up with new ideas and exploring ways to make them happen! I enjoy encouraging like-minded souls to pursue their God-given creative gifts, talents and dreams.

I share my love of HOSPITALITY every chance I get through event planning for Non-Profit organizations and hosting Cinderella Circles – small groups that meet monthly to share some Girl Thyme. Preparing HOMEMADE food for my family and friends is just about as good as it gets for me in the kitchen. I LOVE everything about FOOD! Shopping for it and the prep work is an adventure for me, not drudgery. I shop and support our local Farmer’s Market and Dairies. I am passionate and purpose-driven about serving others in my community and my church. I am very committed to a ministry called CELEBRATE RECOVERY and just joined OPERATION HOPE.

My Professional life consisted of many years in Sales, Marketing and Management in the Retail/Gift Industry. I worked for several big retailers and then in 2001 started my own business Ask Cinderella, Inc. My focus was Corporate Events/ Gift/Promotional Items/ Brand Extension. I left it behind to focus on creating the perfect girlie collection of whimsy wit and charming art for the gift books I have written with my friend Mary; that will speak to HER heart and soul - YOUR heart and soul. I will be sharing some of our creations with all of you who stop by to visit and read Cinderella Chats. Who knows? One day it may be the little gift book you pick up or note cards you select to send a “thank you” or use to write and say, “Hello, I am thinking of you!” To your girlfriends, mother, daughter, grandmother, sister or favorite female relative.
In the meantime, I will keep believing in DREAMS and sharing stories with you in the BLOGGING WORLD.

On a personal note: I have lived a REAL LIFE CINDERELLA STORY, all the good, challenging and every thing in between, and I must say, “I WOULD NOT CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT IT!” My life has not been a fairytale, and that’s okay. It provided me with the opportunity to become an OVERCOMER! It taught me to never give up on the world around me, the people in it, my dreams and certainly not myself or what God has purposed and planned for my life. All that stuff gave me a PASSION for helping others and for that I am thankful! I am not a religious person. I am a spiritual person who believes in God the Father, his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I try everyday to live by the golden rule and the written word, but I must confess, I fall short sometimes.

In closing, I’ll admit, that I find the role of WIFE, MOTHER and FRIEND most REWARDING, and at the same time - CHALLENGING! For me, it’s what makes life interesting, joyful and worth living every moment of it!

Okay, I think that pretty much sums up who I am, and what I enjoy doing. If you would like to share something about yourself or what you enjoy doing, please do so in the comment section of my blog or email me at

I look forward to hearing all about YOU!


FUN is…
















If you can do these things, “How could you not have FUN?”

Cinderella says…



It’s all about YOU as an individual. The things you like; the colors, patterns and textures you are attracted to. What makes you FEEL GOOD when you put it on is what creates your own STYLE.

Be COMFORTABLE in YOUR OWN skin YOU WEAR it BETTER than anyone else.

It’s what’s on the INSIDE that REFLECTS YOU on the OUTSIDE.




Cinderella Chats about what

Auntie Organic says…

Get your APRON on…




Favorite Finds

My PURSENAL FAVORITES! From favorite girly things like: fashion, SHOES, beauty tips, best places to shop, best places to see and best places to be seen to my favorite things that people are doing to make a difference in their life and the life’s of others at home and in their community.

What is a Cinderella? She is a Sister of Cinderella Kindred Spirit. She encourages, promotes and gives hope to others she encounters on a daily basis.

Check out Webster’s definition below…

Webster’s Dictionary definition of Cinderella: ONE SUDDENLY LIFTED from OBSCURITY to HONOR or SIGNIFICANCE.

Sisters of Cinderella Kindred Spirits joined together are like-minded women who may seem obscure but truly do things in their everyday life that LIFTS them to HONOR and SIGNIFICANCE. I will post and feature such a WOMAN every month.

It is my hope and prayer that you will look forward to getting to know these WOMEN. I INVITE you to come back and visit this section of Cinderella Chats on a regular basis. I believe they will INSPIRE YOU IN SO MANY WAYS!


To have a GOOD FRIEND you must be a GOOD FRIEND! Help and encourage one another in every aspect of your life. THAT”S TRUE FRIENDSHIP!

Cinderella Circles is about Girl Thyme together! Sisters of Cinderella Kindred Spirits are all about connecting with one another’s heart and soul in a REAL WAY. We encourage, promote and give hope to each other that provides us with the opportunity to build lasting friendships and relationships that are truly rewarding for all of the women involved in our small group that meets monthly to catch up and share.

Want to start your own small group? I will share with you on a monthly basis what we are doing, and perhaps it will inspire you and your friends to start a small group like we are sharing together in your own home or community.

For more information stay tuned in or email me at


Family, I believe is the most important aspect of one’s LIFE. It’s a place where you have the most INFLUENCE and can make the most of an IMPACT and lasting IMPRESSION. Being a part of a FAMILY is not always easy, but STICKING TOGETHER through THICK and THIN with each other is what MAKES A LIFE WORTH LIVING!

Check out my daughter Lisa’s letter to me. It’s a gift that to this day I cherish and read on a regular basis that inspires me to be my best me. After all she is watching and learning from everything she sees me do and say. "Oh my!"

My “Good Morning Letter”

By… Lisa Field (Age 14)

What a Gift!

Lisa’s Letter:

Good Morning!


Good morning! I thought since Dad wasn’t here to leave you a good morning note, then I would! It’s late in the middle of the night, and I woke up and was thinking about some of the things I have said to you recently or in the past. And something just told me I needed to say, “I’m sorry.” I know I’m not a big enough person to tell you this myself, so this is the only way I could think to do it. I just wanted to tell you that even though I don’t tell you everyday, I love you, Mom. You are my hero, even though you may not realize it, or I may not show it, you are my best friend, the person I can tell all my secrets, and most of all an amazing mom and person. I look up to you because I think of where you came from, and how far you have come as a person, wife, and mom. You are one of the most creative people I know, you come up with ideas no one else ever could, and I admire that, because so am I. You never give up on your dreams, which is one of the best things you have ever taught me about life. You tell me I’m beautiful inside and out; and have never called me a bad name that I can remember. I know no one tells you these things enough as they should (especially me). So, I just wanted to tell you how great you are, like you have always told me; you deserve it. In life, if you ever feel like you have no one, just know you’ll always have your Little Lisa, no matter what mistakes you make or what happens. I don’t know where I’d be as a person today without my mom.

I Love you!

-Your Daughter-

The letter from Lisa inspired to speak on the Titus 2 scripture at a Proverbs 31 Event for Women a couple of years ago. I shared this with a small group of women that were there to learn how to become a speaker.

Scripture: Titus 2:1-8 (Paraphrase)

Titus 2 talks about all of the ways that we should be an example to others. Especially those younger than ourselves, it lists all of the things that older women and men should teach the young women and men who are a part of their sphere of influence. After listing all of the virtues that should be taught, it places emphasis on one thing: being a true Christ-like example to all you encounter on a daily basis!

Titus 2:7 in the Message Bible (says)

But mostly, show them all this (the virtues listed in the previous verses) by doing it yourself (being an example), incorruptible in your teaching,

This means abandoning the “do as I say, not as I do” mentality, and being an authentic example of Godliness – to the best of your ability. Notice, I didn't say be perfect.

Perhaps, you’ve haven't thought about this lately, but others are watching you. Wow! What a great opportunity this gives us to affect someone else’s life in a meaningful way, and all for the glory of God. Wow! I just had to say it again. This is just one of God’s great gifts to you and me.

This truth reminds me of the words of St. Francis of Assisi who once said, “Preach the gospel, and if necessary use words.”

In Closing:

My Gift to You, the Titus 2 Teaching to remind us all, especially me, we are here to help one other, not to fix one another and encourage each other. This gives us the opportunity to be the BEST we can be for others and for ourselves. In this way we all benefit.
God’s gift to me came in the form of a letter and a wake up call from my daughter Lisa…

For me: It was a clear message, start paying better attention to what you are saying and doing because others are watching and learning.

. In this way - everyone benefits!

Enjoy Giving!

Yes, enjoy giving more than you enjoy receiving, and remember, others are watching and learning from everything you do, not what you are saying.

Thank you, my little Lisa!


Faith to me is about Soul-Seeking and Sole-Searching.

Stepping UP and Stepping OUT!

Allowing GOD to lead the way...

I love Beth Moore Bible Studies and Bible Study Fellowship – BSF for short. One of my favorite books in the bible is John. Last year, I studied the book of John in depth with BSF and wrote what it meant to me and read it on Sharing Day. It was a great way for me to begin my journey with BSF and I hope what you read below will inspire you to check them out in your local community and become a part of this bible study group it will enrich you life in so many ways!

What the book of John and BSF meant to me…

Good morning!

I remember clearly being invited by a friend to a BSF Introduction and from the moment I arrived and certainly when it was over I knew I wanted to be a part of it! John was the perfect study for me to begin my BSF journey. As I traveled through the Gospel of John I saw God’s plan in a new light! I felt the passion that John had for Jesus and his mission. I loved hearing and learning again the miracles Jesus performed; the people he healed, those who had faith in him and those that did not until they got up and walked or opened their eyes and could see. The patience he had for those who questioned him about who he was and his firm stance in explaining without wavering by simply saying, “I AM!” He was clear that the only way to the Father is through HIM! He said, “We are the same.” I am in the Father and he is in me. I experienced the privilege the disciples surely felt as they witnessed such greatness before them, being taught by the teacher of all teachers and the promise Jesus gave them that through him they would have eternal life. I felt the disappointment Jesus must have felt when he was betrayed by those disciples closest to him. Then the shame and pain I experienced for his crucifixion and at the same time a new found appreciation that he died for our sins, my sins and because he did and rose from the dead I will live for eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven, what joy and peace that gives me and I know it gives all of you. Finally the compassion, grace and trust Jesus showed Peter as Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.” Jesus will do the same for us and we should strive to FEED HIS SHEEP, it’s the least I can do and BSF is a great avenue to equip me with the knowledge I need to become the disciple he wants me to be to glorify his kingdom.

I want to thank Karen for the lectures and insight to the lessons that spoke to me personally almost weekly - it was AMAZING! Sharon’s emotional recount of Jesus’ death that touched me in a way I will never forget; I was moved to tears! I want Jamie to how much I appreciate her loving and caring nature; she is an incredible leader! I am honored that I could be with such a wonderful group of faith and spirit filled women who were here for the same purpose to learn more about the word and to dig deep for it and to take the message God had for them in the book of John. I am proud to call these women my friends!

I am hooked on BSF and will be a lifetime attendee!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cinderella is stepping up and stepping out, providing you with lots of inspirational, thought-provoking phrases that will leave you high-heeled and ready to find HIM – Your Prince Charming.

When you find HIM... Here are some Road Signs and Treadmarks to look for...

Things HE should DO and Things HE should not DO if HE wants to HOLD YOUR ATTENTION!